They have confirmed Glasgow’s place in sports history - for over a hundred years we have been a centre of innovation and excellence. The manner in which the locals have responded has been immense and the benefits for the city and the country will, if properly managed, be profound and long-lasting.
Most regular FF users will be aware of the manipulation of the Games for both political and commercial purposes by the SNP and by Celtic Football Club.
To be fair, Celtic have hardly hid what they did - harnessing their political contacts to ensure that the environs of Celtic Park were improved at public expense - and they have taken full advantage of any opportunities that came their way. What they did was simple and not secret. Their Board has a vision for their club and pursue it. Rangers under David Murray had not marshalled the political or economic forces friendly to the club and had no interest or ability to exploit the situation.
However, for a club which has been a Unionist icon for over a hundred years the Games have been good. The Rugby 7s was a tremendous success and fantastic advert for the club.
It is easy to throw up one’s hands at the sectarian antics of Glasgow City Council or the politics that the SNP wish to play with the Games - but those who really care don’t give up the fight so easily.
The crucial thing is that the fruits of the Empire and the Commonwealth continue to flourish around the globe. However the Empire was won it has transformed itself into a Commonwealth in which the best of Britain is cherished and become a beacon of liberty around the world and a force for good.
This is in stark contrast to the Little Schotlander mindset of the SNP - it is a broader, more inclusive vision of Scotland’s position in the world.
Those who have witnessed the Games will have enjoyed the hospitality of Glasgow, the spirit of sportsmanship and the physical embodiment of our history as a family of nations. A world-wide living example of democracies sharing their common history and being better together.