There are probably 2 reasons for this, the first being that although containing a respectable number of pages, 36, the very small font used meant that there was a lot of reading, only interspersed occasionally by the odd cartoon, and no photographs at all. The second, and probably even more important was the heavy sense of sheer frustration evident throughout, with manager Glenn Hoddle the subject of far heavier criticism than (say) Alex McLeish received last season.
Of course, one can not help but feel sympathy for a fellow football fan seeing his club continue to trust the judgement of a managerial failure, who is already a millionaire, when these guys continue to plough their hard-earned into a once famous club (as the song “Wolverhampton Town” testifies). To give you a flavour, just one of the articles was entitled, “Pain Comparison? Watching Wolves v Gall Bladder Removal” and this was a common theme throughout the whole edition I read.
So, what about any (even indirect) references to Rangers? Well, the phrase, “Kenny Miller, the shit” would certainly strike a chord with many of us, and although many of the contributors had the word “Wolf” in their pseudonyms, just as many of us use “Bear” I had to look twice at one named “Wolf Tone” – fortunately no connection to that treacherous rebel from Irish history. The other comment I would make is, like football fans everywhere (except us, it appears) they are allowed – and indeed expected – to despise their fiercest rivals, without it seeming to be worthy of the attention of sinister politicians or their media apologists.
By and large, though, it's heavy stuff . . . borne essentially out of frustration, and genuinely not as good as either of the Rangers Fanzines available these days.